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10 Strategies to 10X Your Productivity

Jan 29, 2019

Filling your time without truly prioritizing what is important is simply a less obvious form of laziness.

The Plight of the Modern Worker

According to Inc, the average worker is only productive for approximately two hours and 53 minutes in a given eight-hour work day. WHAT?

That's right.

The advances that modernity has brought us are not without their consequences. As the modern worker wakes each morning, they must perilously swim through an ever deepening sea of distractions.

The incessant pings of our inboxes and our numerous social media accounts constantly beckon and demand our attention. On demand streaming entertainment remains readily available at our fingertips. The multitude of additional distractions in our devices and inside our workplaces rob us of our attention by the minute.

The increasingly small amount of time that is spent away from mindless zombie scrolling is not usually better spent either. Many workers spend the majority of their days simply responding to emails or organizing work rather than getting truly valuable work done.

What are the consequences of this lifestyle? High levels of stress, anxiety, and the feeling at the end of the day that we did not truly accomplish anything of worth even though we know that we spent our time doing something. But what was it that we did again?

How are we to masterfully cut through the clutter of our workplaces and our own minds to get down to the real work that matters? How can we reclaim our ability to feel victorious over our days and create real momentum in our lives and our businesses?

Here are the 10 most powerful and proven strategies that I've tested myself and my clients have found immense success with.


1) Prime Yourself Every Morning

When you wake up, are you brimming with excitement to get out of bed and conquer your day? Or do you sheepishly grimace when your alarm clock wakes you and pray for 9 more blissful minutes of opting out of life?

Who is likely to be more productive: the person in the first example or the person in the second? There's no contest, clearly.

Priming yourself is a risky strategy for me to start with because chances are that you will be doubtful that this can truly work for you. But I take the risk of losing your trust by sharing this strategy first because it absolutely is one of the most powerful in this list.

If you don't decide how you want to show up to the world in advance, then you will just be reacting to life rather than setting it up in a way that will serve you. By getting yourself into a grateful and excited emotional state in the morning, you automatically set yourself up for success.

We take 2 minutes every morning to brush our teeth yet the idea of taking 5 minutes to get yourself into an emotional state worth living in seems absurd to most people. But why?

There are many ways you can do this. The process I use and train my clients to use is as simple as this:

  1. Get out of bed immediately when you wake up and sit down on the floor
  2. Start mindfully breathing deeply and count your breathes
  3. Visualize a memory that you are grateful for and bring in the feeling of gratitude
  4. Visualize the day ahead going magnificently and see exactly how the best you would navigate the day's challenges masterfully

Michael Phelps visualized himself swimming the perfect lap constantly while he was in and out of the pool. By writing his brain a script of how to act when it was show time, he had something to draw on when it was time to perform.

2) Prune Your Rose Bush

If you leave a rose bush untended for a long period of time, it will have many off shooting branches that will get out of control yet the overall size of the bush will remain relatively small.

In order to grow the rose bush to be as large as possible, you actually must intentionally trim off the random off shoots that have a tendency to grow.

Whether we are talking about the personal growth of a rose bush or of you, the fact remains the same. Nothing can grow maximally if its limited resources are not well allocated and if its direction is not purposefully decided.

The biggest enemy you have to your productivity right now is that you haven't separated what is actually important and what is simply demanding your attention at this moment.

What are all of the things that you are focusing on that you just need to get rid of? What are all of the things that you have been saying "yes" to that you need to decline?

The most successful people in the world are the ones who say "no" most often because they are keeping their head down on what really matters.

3) Determine What You Can Delegate

Do you have a tendency to maintain control over things that someone else could handle? Do you have a tough time letting go and trusting that someone else can handle it?

Or maybe you don't give others more responsibility because you love the significance that comes from being the person that does it all.

Your job is not to be in all places at once. If you are really doing your job as a team player and a leader, then you are helping others become their own self-rolling wheels of growth who are each perpetually taking on more responsibility and creating a larger impact.

If you feel bad about delegating, remember that what may seem like a trivial task to you only seems that way because you already mastered it a long time ago. The things that are currently on your plate could be immense growth opportunities for someone else.

Taking the 2 hours to train someone on something that will save you 20 minutes every day is a worthwhile investment.

4) Block All Possible Distractions

There is a war raging all around you trying to steal your most valuable resource from you: your focus.

The mind is like a laser beam. If the energy from it is dispersed in many directions, it has no utility or power. But if it is singularly directed in one direction, it can cut through steel.

You need to take a good, hard look at your daily rituals and determine just how distracted you are on an hourly basis. The best solution to increasing your focus and your productivity is to flat out detox from all of the incessant pings and to ensure that, when you do decide to check notifications, it is on your terms and your schedule.

  • Install a newsfeed blocker for Facebook. Google Chrome has many extensions that will get the job done for you.
  • Turn off mobile notifications for your email and social media.
  • Use a web app like to block certain time-wasting sites for sessions that you schedule for yourself.

At this point, you might be thinking "but Ty, there is no way I could just turn off all of my notifications. People need me!"

Ok, granted. I'm sure that you are highly important, and I'm sure you believe that every single email that comes in has to be answered as soon as it is sent to you. But the reality is that this is flat out false for three reasons.

First, the most highly paid people in the world and the world's highest performers do not let other people dictate their agenda. They decide in advance what they will prioritize, and they respond to other people's demands when they decide they are going to.

Second, the more actually valuable work that you prioritize getting done, the less email communication will actually be necessary since people won't need to check in with you about the status of things. In other words, the more real work you get done up front, the more freedom you get to enjoy later on.

Third, when you decide that you are going to respond to notifications only in predetermined slots of time, many trivial issues will be solved on their own and others on your team will adjust to your workflow.

5) Clear Notifications No More Than Twice Daily

Imagine that you need to bake a dozen cookies. You get out the flour, the sugar, the chocolate chips, and all of the other tools and ingredients that you need.

Now, when it comes time to mix together the recipe would you rather pour out the amount needed for just one cookie or for all twelve at once?

Some tasks work better when we do them in batches.

When you constantly flit back and forth from ping to ping and from task to task, you actually end up with a substantial amount of "Attention Residue" in your mind when you attempt to refocus on your next agenda item. If you let yourself get distracted even for just a second, it can take several minutes to get back into the state of deep work where real productivity emerges.

For this reason, it makes good sense to limit the times in which you clear your notifications to be no more than twice daily. This allows you to put out any fires that emerge in due time and make sure all business is taken care of while also prioritizing sufficient time for what is actually important.

6) Prioritize Importance Over Urgency

The world's highest performers understand that, in order to achieve truly prolific success, they must keep the main thing, well, the main thing.

Rather than mindlessly reacting to everything and everyone that is demanding your attention and attempting to be a martyr of productivity for everyone else's benefit, you must get in the habit of asking yourself a critical question that will clear the cutter and reframe your perspective:

"What is the most important thing that I could be doing to grow my business right now?"

When you ask this question, you all of a sudden realize that the email you are about to send about processing a measly invoice has no place in your headspace before you ensure that you've gotten your department heads to fully understand what outcomes they are responsible for delivering in the next 24 hours.

Asking this question gets you to stop using the easily approachable tasks on your to-do list to justify putting off the difficult and necessary tasks that scare you because you are unsure how to address them.

7) Define Daily Outcomes Every Morning

Rather than joining the masses who check their notifications first thing in the morning and put other people's agendas for their time in the front of their minds, you can get ahead by clearly articulating for yourself what key outcomes you are committed to producing that day.

In order for you to know if you are truly creating prolific output, you need to know what the key vital signs are of your life and your business and if you are making progress towards them on a daily basis.

If it doesn't get measured, it doesn't get managed, and it will not be a number that moves.

Ultimately, who is more likely to have a more productive day and to feel better about the work that they produced: someone who wakes each morning, gets connected to their purpose, and clarifies what they are going to do today that will matter or someone who wakes up reluctantly and starts reacting to life by checking to see where their attention is being requested?

8) Block Your Time Into Sacred Segments

"When you leave your time to randomness, you steal from your greatness." – Brendon Burchard

After you have primed yourself for the day and delineated what your key outcomes will be, it is time to intentionally design your most extraordinary day. Rather than leaving your time to be randomly called upon by others or whatever distraction is beckoning to you the loudest, this sacred ritual of scheduling your day is how you will ward off procrastination, overwhelm, and confusion about how to spend your time.

Block your time hour by hour, and ensure that the most important work that you have to do for the day goes towards the very beginning of the day when your focus and energy is the highest. Build in reaction blocks of time no more than twice through the day so that you can check notifications.

Never, ever place a reaction block as the first thing in the morning or else your focus will be derailed for the entire day and you will find it difficult to get back into flow state.

9) Journal Your Daily Activity For a Week

The level of thinking and action necessary to get you to your next level of productivity and mastery will necessarily be greater than the thinking and action that you got you to where you are today.

Ascending to your next level of performance relies on first ascending to your next level of awareness of how you are currently operating and what all of your productivity traps are.

By journaling your activity, you will no longer be mindlessly going through the motions of your days. You will finally become consciously aware of all of the little distractions that you allow yourself to pursue. By journaling, you will pin point the unique triggers that derail your focus and you will become more capable of premeditating an appropriate response the next time that they emerge.

10) Send a Transparency Report

Now this one may scare the shit out of you, but if you want to truly 10X your productivity, this will do it.

At the end of each day, send your boss a direct report of everything that you accomplished that day in concrete terms. Alert your boss that you are going to send these and that you want them to hold you accountable to doing so.

Do not provide rationalizations, excuses, or explanations. Just give them the cold, hard facts about what you did or did not do.

Once your brain understands that at the end of the day you will not be able to hide behind your inbox and that you will have to clearly prove what you have to show for your day of pay, you will get a fire under your ass to make your time count and to get in the zone.

We will do far more when we know that others are depending on us, and we will more easily raise our own standards of performance when we are in an environment that supports it.

To take this to the next level, send your report to your entire company or your entire team. Not only will you raise your own standard, but you can cause others to raise theirs too.


"Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure." – Tony Robbins

The plight of the modern worker is an abundance of time yet a scarcity of true focus on what is really important. In an age where distractions abound and the demands on our schedules have never been higher, it can be all too easy to resign ourselves to believing that we will never be in control because there are just not enough hours in the day.

The truth is that you have just as many hours in the day as the worlds top earning CEO's, but you both use your time incredibly differently. In order for any true personal change to last, you cant just have clarity on what you need to do and a strategy on how to do it, you need a system that will enable you to consistently make progress and you need an environment that will support the change.

Use these 10 strategies consistently over time, and you will truly 10X your productivity. To take things to the next level consider learning the techniques you need to create your most extraordinary day, every day.



Alright everybody, welcome! It's Ty Hicks, Results Coach, and National Influence and Leadership Trainer. I'm so excited to have you here today, and if you saw my last video on 51 High Performance Strategies, I think you're really going to enjoy what we're talking about today. And if you didn't see that, you may want to go back and check it out ( It should be in your inbox.

But regardless, what I wanted to do today was talk to you about productivity, because I know that if you and I are meeting each other and if you're watching this and you got to know me somewhere somehow, chances are that you're trying to improve this area of your life and probably a few others. But I would venture to say that this is one of the ones that you've really decided that you need to make a change in immediately.

And thankfully it's one of the ones that we can most easily make some rapid improvements in very quickly. So I'm here to show you 10 strategies that, if used consistently and in combination, could quite literally 10X your productivity. Now that's a big fat claim, okay? Hopefully I've got your attention. We'll see what you think at the end of this, but I think what you're going to see is the cumulative power of these strategies being applied consistently – consistently being a keyword here – overtime will literally transform how you are productive and how you navigate your work, okay? And we're going to talk a lot about exactly how you prioritize the important things and how you make it a fun process, believe it or not.

If you're currently feeling like your work is a a drag, you're not feeling excited about what you do, then you're in the right spot because I guarantee if you're able to utilize even just some of these strategies... I understand you're not going to probably use all of them all the time. That's fine! I want to give you 10 so that you have some options, and so you can figure out what works best for you, okay?

So let's dive into this and have some fun with it. Really quickly, just a little background in case we're meeting for the very first time. I think it's important you understand who I am from a training perspective. The reason I'm talking to you today is because I'm so passionate about helping people get out of their own way and live their best life. And my real mission is to help people master their personal psychology so that they can close the gap between where they are now and where they want to be.

And that comes because, you know, when I was 13 years old I was suicidal in a very  serious way. I spent some time in the hospital for this and nearly killed myself. And thankfully I had a loving family member who was able to intervene, but it was a very, very rough period in my life. And I share that with you because what that moment... what that period of time showed me in my life was exactly how powerful our brains can be if we don't know how to use them, if we don't understand what they're doing. If we don't understand how these invisible patterns can affect us.

And I made it my life's mission to understand them and apply that knowledge to help people, okay. And so that's why I'm here talking to you today. So I serve people all the way from helping them be better at work and be more productive as well as I deal with Individuals who are suicidal, depressed, schizophrenic, or their marriage is on the rocks, and they need the intervention and the skills that's going to help them actually go the distance.

So that's my real passion. You know, that gave me a second lease on life, honestly. I went on to build a multimillion dollar organization in my early 20's, and I've been a keynote trainer on the subjects of influence, persuasion, leadership throughout the country. I've trained or coached directly over 60,000 individuals. So I'm incredibly blessed by all the people I've worked with, and it's been a fantastic ride.

As I mentioned to you, my real mission is to help over a million people reach what I call personal freedom... personal psychological freedom in their life. As well as... I also want to help over 10,000 refugees reach real political freedom as well. So I'm currently raising funds for North Korean refugees to escape the repressive regime and create a new life in freedom somewhere else in the world. So hopefully we might have the chance to work together on a humanitarian basis one day as well. 

Alright, so let's dive in right now into the strategies: 10 strategies that can 10X your productivity is the promise of today's webinar. So, number one: this is a very, very powerful one, and it's probably one of the ones that you're not going to want to do right away, 'cause it's a little unique. It's a little out there so to speak but there is a real science behind this. This is backed by neuroscience. I'm telling you this is one of the most powerful strategies out there. 

So here's what you need to do. Before you go to work, okay? And my recommendation is right when you wake up... if you workout in the morning, that's great; do this right after your workout or do it first thing when you wake up. But what you need to do is you need to carve out a secret segment of time where you're going to literally prime your emotional state. You're going to cultivate an emotional state of gratitude, ambition, and you're going to visualize your day coming to fruition in the most perfect way it could possibly be, okay? 

So what I mean is you want to get into a state where you're calm, you're serene... maybe do some mindful breathing if you like, that's great. But really what you want to do is you want to concentrate on a memory that makes you feel grateful, okay? So when you think of that and you focus on all the little details, all of a sudden the feeling of gratitude should flood your nervous system.

And what this is doing is waking up your body, waking up your mind, and literally opening up new neural activity centers in the brain so that you're going to be able to have more emotional resources at your disposal for the day. Now the next thing that you're going to do once you've done this is you're going to visualize your day going as how you would want it to go.

So maybe you're visualizing that meeting that you have today going exactly how you want it to go; you're visualizing that sale closing up how you were expecting it to. The whole point here is for you to literally wake up your nervous system so that as you navigate through the day, it is literally now going to be that much more aware and on edge, in the best sense of the word, to be able to help serve you. It's going to be on the lookout for anything that could help get you closer to what you have signaled to it in the morning is very, very important.

So if you're curious about the neuroscience behind this, there is a part of the brain right back here called the R.A.S. –Reticular Activation System. So when you flood your body with a positive emotion and you visualize something that you want like that sale meeting coming together the way you need it to, you literally get your nervous system that much more attuned to helping you create that reality. So it might seem a little out there, but I'm telling you it works.

And if you do this consistently you have absolutely no idea how powerful it will be over time. I promise you. So number one: you need to prime yourself. Now if you do exercise in the morning, that's great too. There's all the science in the world, all the studies in the world to show that individuals who do some sort of purposeful priming exercise in the morning as opposed to just going right into their work routine... they're significantly more productive, and they're happier as they're doing their work throughout the day.

And that's part of what we're going for as well. That's number one. Very, very, powerful. Use it. Number two: prune your bush. Okay, so what I mean by prune your bush is you need to take a good hard look at what you currently have on your plate, and if there are things that are on your plate that are just creating busy work but are not helping you contribute to your life's work, then it's time to get rid of them. You, if you want to be a master of productivity, what you've got to be able to do is to become a master at saying the word "no." 

When somebody brings something to, you you see a potential – as I like to call it – a shiny object that distracts you and that you want to pursue, you've got to be able to have the conscious blinders on that says "wait a minute?" "Does this help me get closer to where I've told myself I'm committed to going?" "No, it doesn't. Therefore, I'm not going to do it." And what you're going to realize when you start to get really good at this is you're going to realize probably 99 out of 100 things that might present themselves to you as potential pursuits of your focus are not deserving of it. So you're going to be saying "look, no" a lot more than you're going to be saying "yes" if you're doing this correctly.

Now, the reason I say prune your bush is because it's kind of like "prune your rose bush" metaphor. I don't know if you've gardened before, but what you want to do here is liken your productivity and your focus... the things you have on your plate to pruning a rose bush or frankly any bush you would have in a garden. Now, the point here is that if you leave a rose bush untended, then it's not going to grow as large as it could possibly be.

But instead if you consciously direct it... if you cut off all the little random ends that are jutting out in specific areas, then what will happen is the rose bush will become as large and as beautiful as it possibly could be. So it's a very, very powerful thing for you to do, and you've got to make sure that you understand that being productive is not equivalent to being busy. That's one of the big takeaways I need you to get here today.

You are not some sort of guru and beast of business because you take on everything. That's not what the most successful people in the world do. In fact, they eliminate everything until they get down to the absolute main thing that they need to be focusing on. It's a very important exercise for you to to do. Now, similarly you might be wondering "well, wait a minute. How am I going to do that?" "There's not many things that I can prune away because I'm only one that can do them."

Well, that's not really true I guarantee. Guaranteed there are things on your plate right now that you can delegate elsewhere. First of all, you need to just get rid of the things that no one should be doing. There are things you're doing right now that no one should be doing. Get rid of those first. Second, look at the things that you're doing that are important that somebody else can do, and now you need to delegate those out as much as possible.

There's a quote that I kind of live by... It says that "perfection is not when there is nothing left to be added, but rather when there's nothing left to be taken away." And that's kind of the spirit of what we're going for here is to get your limited focus to the very, very important work that only you could do. That's what we're going for. So figure out what you can delegate. Now you might be thinking "Okay, well there's things that I'd love to delegate, but I just can't trust that somebody else is going to do it the way that I need it done."

Ok, great. That's a valuable conversation for us to have. So, what you need to do is figure out... well wait a minute. What is the skill gap that that person has? What is it that they need to know in order for them to be able to take on when you need them to take on? Because now you can help them grow in that regard. So here's the philosophy that I approached my company with. I looked at all the things that I was doing that I felt nobody else could do, and as I started to hire team members, what I started to ask myself was you know... wait a minute.

Even if it would take me two hours to train somebody on how to do this, wouldn't that be worth it because it would save me all of the remaining hours of having to do it again myself? So what I started to do is, even though it might have only taken me 20 minutes, I took the two hours to train somebody on how to do it, 'cause I was investing in my time and my focus on my productivity longterm. And you need to start thinking of your time like you think of your money.

And hopefully you're investing your money as well, so you need to be investing your time. So sometimes a greater time expenditure upfront does make sense if it's going to free up more time for you later on, okay. That's kind of what we're going for here as well. So determine what you can delegate even if some training might be involved. And by the way, you might feel bad about delegating. You might be thinking, well I don't want to just pawn things off on other people.

Well listen, there are things that you're doing right now that could be immensely valuable growth opportunities for other individuals. And you might not look at it that way, because in your mind you're thinking "this is a mundane task that I'm so used to, and I don't even want to do it. Who would want to do this?" The reality is there are literally people out there who would love to do the things that you're doing. You just haven't shown them how to do it. So you need to show them how to do it, and that will become a valuable growth experience for them, and it will free up time for you. Win, win, alright? Very powerful. 

Can you see how this all starts to come together really powerfully? I think you will. All right, number four... Now this is a tough one, but we need to get you on a distraction detox. We need you to specifically block all of the distractions you could possibly do. So let me give you some tips. First of all, you need to get rid of your social media distractions. Now, I'm not saying you need to just delete your social media, okay. That's not what I'm saying. But what I am saying is you need to not just allow your focus to randomly fleet to social media or whatever other distraction junky type things that you have randomly.

That's where you're losing so much of your time. Did you know that the average American worker only spends four hours a day doing actual, valuable work. The rest of their time is spent either in distraction mode or they are dramatically... their productivity is dramatically reduced because they have what's called Attention Residue. So what happens is when you're distracted by something and then you try to switch your focus back to the thing you need to be doing, you have Attention Residue, meaning that part of your brain is still thinking about what you were just doing. So what we've got to be able to do, if you want to understand how your brain works, and if you want to truly be as maximally productive as possible, you need to understand multi-tasking is a freaking myth.

It's just not real. It's just not true. Now, what you could do is you could zero in on one task, get it done in two minutes, and then zero in on the next task, okay. So you might be able to completely obliterate a large number of tasks in a short period of time. That might be true, but doing multiple tasks at multiple times is something that's been debunked many, many times. At best, what you're doing is is you're rapidly fleeting your attention from one area to another area, and that's not a very helpful strategy, okay. First of all, it's stressful.

It will literally make you more anxious as opposed to zeroing in on one thing, getting it done, getting the victory, getting the sense of accomplishment, and then moving on to the next one. That's what you want to go for. It's a very powerful thing. Now, let's talk concretely about how to block these distractions. Number one: you need to get a newsfeed blocker up. I've had this for about a year. It was one of the best decisions I ever made, because I do need to use facebook for my business sometimes. I do need to pull it up. Sometimes I need to message somebody, manage my page or whatever it is that I need to do.

So I need to use the site, but you've probably done this before too. You get on facebook 'cause you need to look something up or do something kind of legitimate, and then all of a sudden you see a puppy pick in your newsfeed, and then all of a sudden you're lifting your head up from your screen 15 minutes later going "what the hell happened?" And what happened is you literally fell down a click hole. Okay, now you can't really help it. It's just your brain literally gets distracted, and then all of a sudden it goes from distraction to distraction and then your day has been destroyed, and you produced only four hours worth of work, and you go home stressed, and you don't know why you have no sense of accomplishment.

Well that's why. So here's what you need to do. Create a newsfeed blocker. So there's Google Chrome extensions, I know. I'm sure you can do it on other browsers as well. But you need to just block it. And the best of these... you can opt to have your newsfeed shown for a period of time, but you can also block it and limit it. And so that way it just literally removes that as a possibility. That's what you need to do. Now you might be thinking "well, okay Ty, you know what?

I don't think I need to do that. I think I just need to be more conscientious with my social media." Okay... I'm glad you're thinking that way, but here's what I'm telling you. If you put crack in front of a crack addict, they're going to smoke the crack, okay. So you need to just literally take the crack in another room, just not even have it as an option in order for you to get clean and detox, alright. So block that newsfeed. 

I'm telling you it's a way to set yourself up to win, and then it won't even be there. I know also iPhone right now is showing you your screen time. You're able to see how much screen time you're using. If that's not scaring the crap out of you, than it should. Get mindful about how much time you're spending on your screens. Now there's a couple of other things that you can do. I for one... I do not have my email alerts go to my phone or my social media alerts or anything that is not a phone call or a text message.

Ok, you might be thinking "Woah Ty, there's no way I could possibly do that. I have way too much going on. People need me. I'm a very important guy." That's what you might be saying to yourself. Okay, well let me tell you something very real. We need to have a heart to heart moment here, okay. The most important people in the world... the most successful people in the world do not allow their agenda to be dictated by the demands of others. 

They set up their unique agenda to fulfill their needs and to produce the work that they need to do first and foremost, and whatever other people need falls into dedicated reactionary periods of time that they have specified they are willing to have. But if you are waking up and viewing your notifications, then you have joined the masses that are not reaching that higher level of success, okay, and if you if you doubt what I'm saying this is not just an opinion.

Look up the scientific studies they have on people who check their notifications first thing in the morning. They're not as productive. They are more stressed out, and they're not the highest earning people in the country, okay. The people who instead block those distractions and set an intentional agenda for the day are the ones who are maximally productive as we're going to see. So block your distractions. Lastly, there's another concrete tool that you can use.

It's literally called Freedom. It's a site blocker. So you can create a session where you put distinct sites in there that completely make it impossible for you to access them during that period of time. It's a fantastic tool. Try it out. All right, on the subject of clearing notifications... As I mentioned to you, I do not get my notifications to my phone. I only review my notifications at pre-determined blocks of time. And I do this at most twice a day, usually once a day. Just once a day.

And by the way, I've know I've been in charge of a five million dollar organization. You might be thinking "well Ty there's no way I could just clear my notifications once a day." I guarantee you can. I guarantee you can. Because look some things will literally get resolved without you having to be involved in them, and people will also get accustomed to your style. People will get accustomed to your pace. And here's the other thing that you're not thinking about. The reason why your time and your schedule is completely flooded with responding to random notifications is because you don't prioritize getting the real work done. Hear me very clearly on this.

The reason that your time is left to randomness is because you're not prioritizing getting the important work done. That is to say that if you were to carve out specific periods of time for you to just zero in on the most important work possible, you would have no reason to have the notifications 'cause very often the notifications are just check ups to see if the important work has gotten done. So if you're getting the important work done, there is literally less need for notifications in the first place.

So it's a very brilliant thing once you start to get this working together. So what I recommend is you get on the cycle of no more frequently than twice a day. You want to do this in batches. The reason that you want to do this is because there is a very real thing called Attention Residue. I mentioned this a moment ago. But when you go from email to task to email to task to email, what's happening is you think you're focused on the task, but in fact part of your brain is still thinking about the email, and so you're not really zeroed in.

You're not in that place of what we call deep work. And so that's a problem, because if you really want to, first of all, get more things done, that in itself is valuable. But number two: if you just want to feel more successful, if you want to feel better about your work. If you want to get that sense of accomplishment, which I know you do, then you've got to be able to more clearly compartmentalize how you spend your time. That's very important. 

Alright, do not check your notifications in the day as well. All right, here's the question you need to start asking yourself on a regular basis: "What is the most important thing for me to be doing for my business or for my life?" That's what you need to ask yourself. Because what you will find, is that the answer is almost always not answering email, and that's how most people spend their time. They just get into their inbox. That's how they spend their days, and it's not valuable.

What you need to be doing is asking yourself "what's the most valuable thing for me to be spending my time on, and that will dictate a completely different strategy for you. You will spend your time in a completely different way. So even though you have tasks that seem more urgent and seem like you need to get on those more quickly, it's not necessarily the case. You need to be able to cut away the noise, cut away the clutter, and say what do I need to prioritize above all else right now, okay?

'Cause if you constantly feel like you're just putting out fires, you're going to be stressed out as all hell, and you're not going to feel fulfilled, and you're not going to move your career forward. It's just the reality. All right, next. What you want to do after you've done your morning ritual of visualizing your day, going as perfectly as it could possibly go, is you want to detail now what are the specific outcomes you are committed to for that day.

I recommend you zeroing in on no more than three. There's also a caveat to the strategy... not a caveat, but a different way to approach it, and what you could do is you could literally intentionally design your entire day. Like what blocks of time are you going to allocate to this? Where are you going to fit in those two spots where you respond to your emails and react, and what are the specific outcomes you're committed to by the end of the day?

So once you clarify the outcomes, that will define for you how you're going to be blocking up your time in the secret time segments. And that my friend is the next level that you need to be going for. If you want to truly feel maximally productive. If you want to feel every day like you are moving your life forward and you are creating real progress tangibly, and if you want to go to bed at night feeling like the joyous master of your life, like you are in control of your own world, this is what you need to do. You need to schedule every minute of every day.

Now, okay, I'm not saying... Let me be careful about this. I'm not saying schedule every minute in one minute increments, but what I am saying is you need to block your time up into specific... maybe by the hour... maybe you have like a three hour block here for whatever. It's going to be different each day. That's clear. But if you're not intentionally designing your day, then your day is going to just simply be demanded by other people's agendas, and that's why you're not feeling successful.

That's why you're not successful, at least as successful as you want to be. And that's why you're stressed. So you need to do this. I'm telling you, it might seem over the top, but you do this one day... I promise you will do it every single day for the rest of your life. Alright, number nine: you need to journal your activity for a week is what I recommend. And now, this is not something you'll do in perpetuity, but it's something I highly recommend you do this week.

Now why do I recommend you do this? Because if you want to get accustomed to how you're wasting your time... if you want to identify what those really concrete areas are for you to be able to start saving time... you need to bring an extra layer of awareness to what your regular activities are so that you don't just fall into your activities and go through your life kind of unintentionally. But instead for you to be able to bring awareness to it, that's the first step in modifying any habit. So if you start journaling your activity on a basic level, what you might actually find is "holy cow, you know I just spent 10 minutes bullshitting with my team members out at the water cooler." 

That's not useful, right. That might be a thing that you notice you do on a regular basis. Maybe you notice you just to get up from your desk and walk to the bathroom even when you don't even have to go to the bathroom 'cause you're just distracted and you just want something to do. So journaling the activity is a great way for you to be able to become conscious and change the activity. Let me give you a concrete example of how this activity becomes useful.

Now this is not in the vein of productivity, but this is a great strategy if you want to become more healthy. if you want to become more healthy what you should do is for a week photograph every meal right before you eat it. Now some of you might be doing this already with Instagram, but you're probably not photographing every meal. You're probably only photographing those trendy, healthy meals that you want people to see that you're eating. Photograph every meal before you eat it.

They did a study on this, and what they found was the individuals who photographed every meal were significantly more likely to stay accustomed to their diet over time. And the reason is that when you've got that Taco Bell Crunch Wrap Supreme, and you take a picture of it, all of a sudden you realize "holy cow, I'm about to put this in my body." And that extra layer of awareness now gives you the willpower to go "No, I'm not, and to put aside." 

So in the same way, you bring an extra layer of awareness to your activity for the week by doing a simple little journal is going to allow you to easily pinpoint those specific areas where you're wasting time and for you to be able to turn those around very quickly. It's a very powerful exercise. Give it a shot, okay. Just try it for a day. All right, finally number 10. Now this one is very, very powerful, and it might scare you at first, but I'm telling you if you want to go to that next level... if you literally want to at the end of the week go "holy cow, I produced more... I produced 10X this week what I did the past week," then this is going to be one of the ways you do it. 

What you want to do is you want to send a full transparency report to whoever your boss is. And what you want to do is you want to create a daily report for them that clearly identifies what the outcomes were. Now do not, do not give them excuses, rationalizations, or explanations. You need to give them the bullet points of what the hell you actually accomplished. And put it in terms of real outcomes that they care about. So for example, if your job was to connect with 10 leads, and you made 150 calls, and you got seven leads, they don't care how many calls you made. They care how many leads you get connected with. Because that was the outcome you were expected to produce.

Okay, now what's really powerful... what's really, really, really powerful is for you to specify what those outcomes are in the morning, send those to your boss, and then give a report at the end of the day. Now you might be scared shitless at that idea, and if you are that tells me and it should tell you that you're wasting a whole hell a lot of your time. Alright, so if you start to use these strategies, you will actually become a productivity machine. You will literally get people going "how the hell are you getting this much stuff done?!" "Well, I'm not dicking around on facebook.

I'm actually focusing and designing how I spend my time. I'm spending my time like I spend my money: wisely and in areas that make an investment for me." If you get into that kind of psychology, your life changes by leaps and bounds... by multipliers, okay. Use these strategies. I'm telling you, use them together and your productivity will soar through the roof. Now I've got another video of some strategies coming to you. If you found this valuable, then I know you'll love the next one.

The next one is going to be on how to tangibly increase your willpower. Believe it or not, your willpower is like a muscle. It's limited, but it can be strengthened, and I'm going to give you five concrete ways for you to do that so that you can start stepping up and doing the things you actually tell yourself you're going to do but you keep falling back into old habits on. Ok, it's a very, very powerful training. So I'm excited to see you in the next one. I hope this was valuable. 10 Strategies to 10X Your Productivity. Go out there this week and 10X your productivity. I'm so excited to see in the next one. Take care.

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