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Know Your Outcome

May 16, 2018

Imagine trying to win a game when you don't even know what the goal is. That's unfortunately how most people live their lives and how many organizations do business.

If you haven't gotten clear on what your personal mission is in life, then you will never get the satisfying feeling that you are making progress. At best you will endlessly distract yourself with business so that you can avoid staring reality in the face: that you are making no tangible progress towards creating the life you could have and deserve.

At the organizational level, if every member of your team is not crystal clear on why the group exists, then you will only fill your team's time with various projects and tasks without the lasting sense that you are making tangible progress.

Human beings are excellent at spinning their wheels but not so great at setting their sights on a compelling, far off destination and making consistent headway in its direction.

Imagine that you are the captain of a ship. You are out at sea, you've started the engine, and you are steering the boat. But you have no idea what your final destination is. You end up spinning in circles endlessly for days only to end up landing your vessel at a random location out of desperation but not out of intention. Then you realize that you spent all of that time and all of that effort only to end up in a place you're not really pleased with.

I'm sure you've had this experience before. One day you lift your head up and say to yourself "Wait a minute. Why am I doing this?" The problem is that you didn't answer that question before you spent time you would never get back on the endeavor.

This is how most people live their life. They usually don't clearly define what would make them feel fulfilled – what their dream job would be, what their ideal relationship would be, or how they want their finances to be. And so they engage in the activity of life but without a clear purpose. They react to life more than they design their life.

Organizations can get caught in this trap as well. Often teams are driven more by reacting to the tasks immediately in front of their nose than by building towards a crystal clear, long term vision. Their "strategy" is defined more on what they can foreseeable see that they "could do" rather than on determining first WHY they ought to do anything at all.

You must answer WHY first and let this guide your decisions on HOW you will get there. But most people and teams first decide the HOW – what they are going to spend time on – and when asked WHY they have no clear answer. 

Institutional inertia is like a spinning whirlpool that sucks you down further and further – the further you go down, the harder it is to get out and the more committed you feel to seeing through the completion of the unimportant journey you've already begun.

They become so caught up in responding to the tyranny of the urgent that they do not prioritize crafting a strategy that will pay allegiance to what is actually important. Being busy does not mean being productive. Being productive means generating output that is of demonstrable value to a clear and compelling goal.

Time to trade your busy work for your life's work. What will yours be?

In everything that you do – in every strategy that you craft, in every task that you complete or assign to someone else, in every decision you make – you should be asking yourself the most critical question you could possibly ask before you engage in the activity: what's my outcome?

Asking this question will weed out all of the activities that do not get you closer to the crystal clear and compelling vision you've established for your life or for your team. (Oh, and by the way, yes, you need to do this first.)

Think of all of the meetings that you've been in that had no clear outcome. Think of all of the projects or tasks you've done that did not get you any bit tangibly closer to a desired outcome. This is when you've been out at sea, spinning in circles.

Now you can use one simple question as your litmus test for whether or not you should do it: what's the outcome? And, relatedly, does this get us closer to our vision?

When your team members come to you now and say that they want to go to a networking event you will be smart enough to not take for granted that this activity has inherent value as most people do. Instead you'll ask "what's your outcome?" They will look surprised. Surely it is mutually understood that this inherently has value, no? No.

The quality of your life and the quality of your work will skyrocket as soon as you stop living in Reaction Mode and start living in Intention Mode.

Not only is asking "what's the outcome?" vital for weeding out the endless sea of tasks and distractions that could steal your focus, but it also gets you present to what you need to extract from the activities you do choose to engage in.

Now when you walk into meetings you can be asking everyone present "what's the outcome?" and you will actually drive the conversation right to it. When you call a client you can stop simply "responding to voicemails" and you can instead "show my clients that I'm in their corner ready to meet their needs." Would the quality of your phone calls improve if you were present to this outcome? Absolutely.

Even when you decide to self-educate is this strategy helpful. Rather than simply "attending a webinar" or "going to a conference" your outcome can be "identifying any skill possible that can aid me, and integrating it immediately." The person who shows up with this intention will get it.

How about personal relationships? This is where knowing your outcome is everything. Don't just "go out on date night." Instead decide in advance that your outcome is to "light up your partner like a Christmas tree and establish closeness and emotional intimacy" or whatever resonates with you. Will this create a different experience for you and your partner? There's no question.

So, what's the magic question? What's my outcome?


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The first thing that I want to talk with you about is knowing your outcome and being incredibly clear about what your outcome is and why that's so important at an individual level as well as an organizational level.

Human beings have kind of a tendency to sort of float through life, a little bit right? We have a tendency to kind of go from one aspect of our life and then go into another without having a very clear intention is to what it is that we're committed to pulling out of that experience, and here is what I mean. If you've ever gone to a seminar or a conference or heard a talk like this or participated in a course or watched a video or whatever the case is... read a book maybe. You may have said to yourself "Okay, I'm here to sit through this meeting" or "I'm here to listen in" or "I guess I'll just kind of participate," but really you're not participating.

As opposed to saying that "if there is even a single distinction or principle or strategy that I can learn from this and I can implement it, and I can make it my own I'm going to absorb it." "I'm gonna make sure that I hear it and that I commit it to mastery." Does that make sense? So what I want to ask of you is if you're going to be here, I want to ask that you really get clear about what your outcome is in being here.

And this is not to say that I'm so great 'cause I'm not, but the reason why I want you to get clear about this is because, if you're just sitting through this, if you're just here to "be in a meeting" or whatever the case is, and if you've not established that you're here to really absorb anything that could be possibly useful to take your personal life or your leadership to the next level, then you're not going to hear it. Does that make sense?

So that's the first thing I want to share with you, and the aspect of knowing your outcome is something that I've come to understand is so vitally important in any context of leadership. So individuals who are part of an organization who do not have a clear and unified vision, and by the way, that's kind of a little bit of an overused buzzword in the context of leadership, so we're going to break that down. But people who do not have a crystal clear and compelling vision... There's no measuring stick as to whether you're getting closer to it or not.

So here's what I mean. How often do you guys meet? Once a week? Okay fantastic. So if you're meeting once a week, you know you can say "Oh, yep that's the thing that I have to do," right? "That's a meeting that I have to go and participate in," and we all have had that sort of personal mindset on no matter what it is. Any of you guys ever had a job that you hated? Raise your hand and say "I." I know I certainly have, several of them. If you're showing up to a job that you hate, your outcome is "how do I get the hell through this day as fast as I possibly can," right?

And ironically when you're in that state, it tends to drag on doesn't it? If you're showing up and your outcome is to get through the meeting then that's exactly the extent of the impact that you're going to have. Do you all see that? But instead, if you have one extra layer of awareness and you can say "Okay, my outcome is to really serve as an inspiration" or "to be the absolute best that I possibly can be" or it's "to raise a new standard for my team" or "it is to demonstrate profound compassion" or it is "to reach a level of honesty about the results that we are producing or not producing so that I can get everybody to wake up and be able to to set a new course and a new standard."

If you start to raise your level of awareness one extra layer, this is what I call getting out of the Realm of Being Reactionary and now moving into the Realm of Intentionality. You can use this in any context and as simple as it is... It's simple, but not necessarily easy, right? Think about getting fit. Is it really that difficult to be physically fit? What do you have to do? It's pretty much eat right and exercise right? That's pretty much it. Okay, so it's simple, but not necessarily easy, and what you said is exactly right that having the motivation and having the consistency, setting yourself up to win, having a system that keeps you showing up in that present state regardless of whether you feel like it.

So similarly showing up as a leader... You're not automatically a leader based off of your job title. You're, not automatically a leader based off of whatever it is that you have on your business card, and in fact, even if you don't have anything on your business card or your Facebook profile or whatever the case is, each and every one of you is a leader in some capacity or another. Whether it's being a leader in a single conversation, trying to create a transformation in that one-on-one basis. Whether it's working in group dynamics. Whether it's being the leader of a group project in a class... Whatever the case is, the first thing I invite you all to consider is that you've got to try on for size the idea that you own your leadership.

But that comes from you having firstly said "what is my real outcome?" 'Cause it's one thing to say too, "I'm going to go lead a meeting," right? But instead to say "I'm going to demand the best out of my team; I'm going to go and set a new standard. I am going to go and tell people how it is yet not let them forget how compassionate I feel about their contributions to the group." So that's the first thing I want to invite you to consider. I want you to really honestly look at where are the different areas where you are showing up as a leader or where you could be showing up as a leader, and then I want you to really get clear about what it is that you want in terms of your outcome.

Because so few leaders or individuals for that matter have that sense of lasting pride and fulfillment that they've really made a difference, and the reason why is that they've never gotten crystal clear as to what it is that they're going for to begin with! So, if you've not gotten crystal clear on what the outcome is that you want for your organization or for a specific situation, then you surely will not achieve it. Does this make sense to you?

Let me give you a metaphor to kind of close this segment up. You know a lot of us have a means of getting into a mode of life where we fill our time with activities, but we aren't necessarily getting any bit closer to where it is that we really want to go. So I like to use this dichotomous metaphor...

Imagine you're the captain of a ship. You're out at ocean, and you're essentially going in circles. There's activity happening – you're still steering it, but the problem is you're essentially just hoping and wishing that you'll land where it is that you want to go, but you haven't really defined where it is that you're headed. As opposed to saying "Hey, here's this lighthouse over here on the distance. I have absolutely no clue how the hell we're going to get there right now, but I know I'm absolutely committed to us getting there. And so that means that every step along the way we're going to make small adjustments until we finally get there."

Do you guys know that airplane pilots, like when you get in an airplane they're off course 95% of the time? Did you know that? When they get in the airplane and they set the course, okay, and they actually lift off and take off, they are off course 95% of the time, but they're making small adjustments all the way along the road. But the thing is they have that final, determined outcome that they're committed to, and if they have to, you know, go a different route or if they have to change speed or whatever the case is that is what they'll do.

They'll make small adjustments all along the way, but I want to submit to you that most individuals and most organizations that I've consulted with and that I see are not clear on what that outcome is, okay?

And I'm not talking, by the way, about a dry mission statement. I'm not talking about a arbitrary set of principles. I mean you guys have all seen this. This is kind of like the new wave of business philosophy that has kind of come from like the 90's into the 2000's, you know, all of this sort of "self help" stuff and all this managerial philosophy that says "Well, you need these 10 guiding values..."

Well, perhaps that may be the case, but there's no sense in picking something arbitrary. What there is value in is figuring out what is going to get you out of bed in the morning. What is going to get your team to stay up late if there's a deadline that has to be met. What is going to get those individuals compelled, okay?

So, having clarity, on the outcome is the first piece. The second piece I would say that is absolutely necessary to achieve any desired outcome in an organization or in your own personal individual life is to have enough compelling reasons. Most people are focused so primarily on the "How" that they forget the "Why."

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