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The 4 Dangerous Myths About Depression and Anxiety

Aug 31, 2019



One of the most severe problems facing the planet has slide relatively quietly under our noses for the last century, and unless we call it out into the light for what it actually is our future generations are likely to bear the brunt even more severely than our current ones are.

We are living at a time when as many as 1 in 5 adults inside the U.S. are struggling with depression, anxiety, chronic stress, or some other form of mental health issue.¹ That's a number that will soon be approaching 50 million people.

The percentage of individuals struggling with moderate to severe depression or anxiety also increases for younger adults, particularly college students where the numbers can be as high as 2 out of 5.

Think of how many people you know. How many are in your immediate network of friends and family? 20? That means 4 people you care about deeply are in significant emotional pain.

But how many associates, colleagues, and online friends do you have that you care about even if you speak to them less often? 1,000? That means there are 200 people you know of that are on a daily basis struggling with the everyday realities of human living.

Not only are so many individuals facing moderate to severe mental and emotional challenges, but for too many the situation is much bleaker. Every day, approximately 123 Americans die by suicide – the 10th leading cause of death in the country.²

These 123 individuals that we are losing every, single day are people that we will never have back as sons, daughters, wives, husbands, friends, and contributors to society. As a species, we are collectively paying dearly for our inability to spot emotional suffering where it exists or our unwillingness to have the courage to insist that our loved ones get the kind of help that can correct the issue before it is too late.

In short, although we are living in the world's most favorable set of living conditions in our history as a species, we have the most stressed and depressed (not to mention overweight and overmedicated) generation on the planet.



There are four incredible dangerous myths about mental health that are keeping our society from being able to move forward on this issue and ensure we help those in pain be able to leave in peace and freedom.

These myths have grown in their prevalence and danger year by year as our society has become more and more entrenched in what we believe are the best ways to approach mental health challenges. But we fail to realize that the difference between a rut and a grave is only a few feet of extra digging.



Myth #1: Mental health challenges are essentially permanent disorders that can only be minimized and coped with, not eliminated.

The global paradigm surrounding mental health is one in which, when someone comes to understand that they are dealing with depression, anxiety, or some other form of mental and emotional pain, they go to see a traditional talk therapist.

These very well meaning individuals often commit a fatal fallacy in their attempt to serve the patient. When the patient comes in, very often the first goal of the professional is to provide a medical diagnosis for the condition. By looking for specific symptoms that fit a common pattern, they are able to provide a label to the patient about what they are struggling with.

Telling someone that they have "Generalized Anxiety Disorder" or "Clinical Depression" takes what is actually a reversible, temporary psychological pattern and redefines it in the mind of the patient as a part of their identity – a true disease. Just as patients who are told that they are "terminally ill" are more likely to actually die than those with the same symptoms who are not told that their death is inevitable, we must recognize that telling people that they have "disorders" has a severe impediment on that individual's ability to actually achieve quick and permanent change.

It is absolutely critical to not be misunderstood on this point.

The mental and emotional pain that people struggling with their mental health are experiencing is very, very real, and they do need a robust, professional approach to solve their problem.

BUT giving people labels that they have a "disorder" does not serve them because it attributes what is a fully reversible condition as a part of the patients underlying identity.

There is a major difference between "you're dealing with a temporary pattern of depression that needs to be reversed" and "you are a Manic Depressive."

We then tend to make matters worse by presuming that because someone is dealing with a mental health challenge that the best solution will be to provide them a prescription, further engraining the idea that they cannot find a natural and lasting solution to their pain – that it lies outside of their control to change it naturally.

I see individuals every week who have been struggling with their issues for years if not decades and who proclaim very confidently that "I have clinical depression." They have reinforced their belief in their disorder so congruently over the years that the prospect of change seems laughable to them.

While it is true that they have been suffering from depression and their experience is 100% real and legitimate, it is not the case that they "have" a disorder in the way in which they mean. Their situation is not permanent, and they do not have to settle for learning to live with their disease.

Quick, natural, and lasting solutions to depression and anxiety do exist, but no change is possible where someone believes that their problem is a part of who they are rather than something that can be reversed.

The truth is that depression, anxiety, and all other manner of mental health challenges are indeed REAL and deserve an approach that actually serves those in pain by equipping them with proven, natural strategies so they can eliminate their current, destructive emotional patterns not an identity as someone who is inherently "mentally ill" and who must learn to now cope with their limiting conception of their identity.


Myth #2: People who claim to have depression or anxiety need to "buck up," "cheer up," and "focus on the positives."

This myth comes from the complete opposite perspective of mental health but is equally as dangerous.

While it is not helpful to label the experience of people who are dealing with a mental health challenge as an "illness" or "disorder," it is potentially worse to persist in a belief that someone who is seeking help and guidance is "faking it" or merely "looking for attention."

All destructive behavior of any kind is a call for help.

Faced with a culture that consists of two groups of people holding equally destructive and limiting perspectives on mental health, people who are struggling with depression or anxiety fall between a rock and a hard place on their journey to actually achieve lasting change.

While one group tells them that they have "clinical depression" and need some Zoloft, another group tells them that "they don't have depression" and "they just need to be grateful for what they have."

This second approach to the situation is one that lacks distinction and appreciation for the intricacies of the mental and emotional experience of these subconscious patterns. They do not appreciate that the person suffering currently lacks the insight and skills necessary to naturally reverse their current, limiting patterns.

This myth also disproportionately affects younger individuals, particularly men who believe that if they speak up about their challenges that they will be violating an important social value of masculinity and strength. Thus, men are much more likely to not speak up about their pain and instead resolve to "handle" the problem on their own which can tragically mean pushing down the pain until it boils up in forms of outward violence towards themselves or others, even resulting in taking their own life.

When a person gets to such a breaking point and the people in their life suddenly ask "where the hell did this come from?" they fail to have recognized all of the signs along the way that were indicating that pain was underneath the surface all along.

Mental health challenges are the source of subconscious, conditioned patterns of emotion and behavior. Because they are subconscious in nature, the person suffering does not yet know how to naturally handle their situation.

While it is true that depression and anxiety can be reversed quickly and naturally, it is not as simple as telling someone to flick the switch in their brain.


Myth #3: "Yes, I'm depressed. But I have to handle this on my own."

This all too common and all too destructive belief that those in pain endorse is a natural bi-product of Myth #2. By concluding that speaking up about their issue or seeking the help of an experienced professional would be an admission of defeat or result in unacceptable social dings in their status, they seek instead to bottle up the pain and convince themselves that this is "handling" the issue.

At best, this practice is "handling" some of the surface-level effects of the problem but is compounding the source of the issue.

Placing a lid on a pot that is about to boil over will only keep you from burning yourself for a few moments, and when the water actually does spill out the damage will be even more severe than before.

In order to eliminate the true problem, you must go after the source rather than simply try to bat away the effects. When there are weeds in the garden of the mind, you can't pretend they are not there. And you can't simply trim them down to size. You have to go in with a shovel and uproot them from their base.

This is why "quick fixes" or "coping mechanisms" do not work, and these small strategies are very often all that patients of traditional talk therapy walk out with. Because they only have ways to keep their pain from reaching a major threshold in the day to day, the pressure in the pot is slowly building until a more severe breakdown of sorts becomes inevitable, unpredictable, and uncontrollable.

The only true way to handle the limiting patterns of depression, anxiety, and even compulsive behaviors and recurring trauma is to interrupt these patterns where they reside, at the level of the subconscious mind. This is a process that can begin to happen in as little as 30 minutes with lasting results being possible after a few hours of applying the right approach.


Myth #4: Traditional talk therapy and medication are the only and best ways to handle your mental health issues.

When the Model T came out, it was instantly scorned and ridiculed. The idea that some new approach to transportation would emerge that could replace the traditional horse and buggy was laughable to the majority of the population.

Humans habitually scorn new ways to improve their lives that they do not fully understand because they fear confirming their suspicion that they may have sunk so much of their time and energy in an inferior approach all along.

We would rather stick with the pain we know of our ineffective method than consider the all too painful idea that we could have actually solved our problem had we made a different decision.

But all superior ideas and methods earn their due. It would be unthinkable to trade vehicular transport for a horse drawn carriage today. We would laugh at the idea of giving up the internet as a way of life when just a few short years ago it was dismissed as another fad.

We fail to recognize that we have been approaching mental health the same, ineffective way for the better part of 100 years.

In our company's work with individuals suffering from all sorts of mental health issues, we have found that at least 8 in 10 individuals who have attempted traditional talk therapy to handle their issues did not get strong or lasting results.

In fact, the vast majority of people surveyed who have attempted therapy as a solution report that treatment only truly enabled them to “vent” and get things off their chest, but that they never truly felt like they were getting at the source of their issue and tangibly making progress towards a desired goal.


To be clear, therapists are not bad people, and many of them are truly effective. But the sad reality is that most are not. They may appear "effective" to a client in helping minimize pain or increase coping, which do have merit, but therapy rarely if ever results in a profound and lasting transformational change.

We will never advance our culture and truly eliminate the pain people with depression and anxiety are in unless we call this fact out for what it is and shed light on the methods that actually lead to proven elimination of the problem in the vast majority of cases.

While there are innumerable schools of thought and approaches to talk therapy, most therapy is based on two fundamental principles that severely limit its effectiveness:

1) The idea that people’s problems can be described in terms of medical disorders that deserve diagnosis, in many cases medication, and that these disorders are essentially permanent parts of who the patient is. Thus, the inherent belief is that the goal of therapy is to help them cope and minimize the symptoms since that is the best it can hope to do.

As we learned, this is Myth #1 and one that ensures the client will not get lasting results. If you go to see a Doctor for a broken leg and they believe that your leg will never be fixed in full, you’re certainly not going to get your leg fixed so long as you insist on seeing that doctor.

2) The idea grounded in the education of therapists today that all therapy must remain essentially “non directive” in nature. This creates an assumption that the real goal of the therapist is to provide a safe space for the client to speak about their problems, and the client is expected to arrive at new conclusions about their issues largely on their own.

I don’t know about you, but if I have a broken leg I want a Doctor who is going to tell me what needs to happen in order to solve the issue. Of course I want a Doctor who will listen, be attentive to the details that matter, and ensure I feel safe in his doctor’s office. But I need someone who has true expertise, confidence in rehabilitation, and a proven plan to get me there. What about you?

In our work with innumerable clients from 5 continents, all suffering from all forms of mental health challenges, the undeniable pattern that emerges in their testimonies about how they have already attempted to deal with their problems is that talk therapy has simply not been effective in getting lasting results.

Even for those individuals who saw as many as 7 or more therapists over the years, they found that the non directive approach was consistently the primary theme of the "treatment."

For a person in severe emotional pain, each year that passes without full elimination of the problem means another year of a half-lived life.


The number of people on antidepressants has been on a steady rise for a number of years.

In 2014 and 2015, approximately 1 in 10 adult individuals in the U.S. were on some form of pharmaceutical, while in recent years this has climbed to approximately 13%.

When you think of the reality of this situation, it is rather bleak: Over 1 in 10 people are on medication for depression while 2 in 10 are still dealing with a moderate to severe mental health concern.

Do you know someone who is on anti-depressants who is still depressed? Almost all of us do. I can tell you that the vast majority of people we have consulted with have shared that this is their exact plight.

In our work with clients from all over the world, the evidence is undeniable. At least 8 in 10 of our clients report that medication (regardless of what it was) did not produce for them strong or sustainable results.

Most individuals report that medication caused them to feel worse or other bad side effects, and many report “not feeling like themselves” or feeling “numbed out” or “zombified.” Others who did get results initially report that they kept having to increase their dosage or switch to other pills.

Rather than actually treat the problem at the real source, our society is piling pills on people, thus placing band aids on the broken leg – but band aids that have the risk of creating even more pain or unpredictable side effects.


"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."  – Mark Twain

In short, yes, for those who would 1) choose to look at the situation in solvable terms, and 2) place a higher priority on seeking out the methods that are proven to work rather than ascribing to the outdated and faulty majority view.

So long as someone believes that they have a permanent disorder and identifies as being someone with a mental illness that is relatively unchangeable, they will never be able to fully recover.

And so long as we truly believe that traditional therapy is the only medium by which people can get help, our society will not progress on this issue. People will continue to remain feeling aimless and helpless as their problems persist and their bills for treatment and medication pile up.

While the merits of all alternative services must be evaluated on their own merits, we have been blessed to have a 100% success rate with the clients we take on who meet our strict qualifications. 

By no means is working with our company the only option people have, but they must be aware that indeed they do have options besides therapy and medication. They must also recognize that nothing improves without taking a new form of action.

If you or a loved one is suffering, it is vital that they understand these myths and seek effective forms of help. Our team will never be able to serve every individual suffering on the planet, and not everyone will meet our specific qualifications that ensure our clients’ success either, but for those that are absolutely ready to make a change, we do offer a proven path to a limited number of clients a year.


If you would like to be considered to be a client or know of someone who may be a good fit, you should understand that our proven process consists of three basic steps:

  1. Help you identify the subconscious characteristics of the limiting patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior that you are “stuck” in.
  2. Help you learn the natural and powerful ways to interrupt these patterns so that they no longer persist in your daily experience.
  3. Adopt and implement the simply, quick, daily strategies that, over time, will results in replacing your old, limiting emotional patterns with ones that support and empower you automatically.

But to be 100% clear: results are not possible for everyone.

In our experience, you can only get true results if you meet three specific qualifications, and as a service that only takes on individuals that we are confident we can provide a solution for, we do not consider clientele who do not meet these criteria.

It is also important to recognize that, unless you meet these criteria, you are unlikely to actually resolve your issue no matter what service you enlist, whether it is ours or someone else’s.

Success is only possible for people who are willing to 1) Be open minded and coachable, 2) Be decisive and take new action, and 3) Make eliminating their depression and anxiety an absolute must.

Results can never be guaranteed for someone who does not meet the above qualifications, and each individual case is different. In our experience of several years, a full, natural, recovery is possible with approximately 5 hours of work completed over a 60 day period. Some get results much faster and some take a few extra weeks, but we've never had someone who met our criteria and committed to our process that did not get the desired result.

We have had several individuals who have reported feeling “anxiety and depression” free months after they had a single coaching session with our team as well.


What has already been done has gotten you to where you are now. In order to go somewhere new, you must do something new.

You must also recognize that mental health issues will not get better on their own – time spent waiting in indecision and hoping for a break tends to inevitably compound the severity of the issue.

If you would like to get more clear on the real source of your problem and learn what some of your options are for tangibly making progress towards your goals, please book a free 45-Minute Breakthrough Consultation with a member of our team.

It will be the most valuable 45 minutes you’ll invest in your own mental and emotional wellbeing.

If you know of a loved one who is in pain, book the call and our team will be happy to support you as well in helping your friend or family member the best form of help for them.



 Hey everybody welcome, it's Ty Hicks. Today I wanted to chat with you about something that I think is so prevalent that we have to be able to have a conversation about, because these patterns keep surfacing again and again in my work with individuals all across the world, internationally as well as inside of the United States, and what I've come to find is that there are a couple of very, very dangerous myths out there about the nature of mental health, in particular, the nature of depression and anxiety, which are issues that so many individuals are facing.

In my initial research, even just in my extended circles of the individuals I work with, what I've come to find is that anywhere from one to two out of five people out there are dealing with moderate to severe anxiety or depression. So this is a very serious issue that's affecting so many individuals. And the problem is we have a lot of cultural beliefs about anxiety and depression that keep us from actually being able to truly help individuals fully rehabilitate and eliminate their issue even though that option is available to them.

So there are four particularly dangerous myths that I wanted to bust about depression and anxiety. So if this is an issue you're suffering with in particular, I hope that this will serve you and if you know of individuals that are struggling with this huge this issue, you need to make sure that this becomes known to them. So let's dive in right away.

Number one, the very first and one of the most prevalent issues amidst what I'm finding, and this is what it is characterizing a large degree of the conversation around mental health. The big myth out there, perhaps one of the biggest, is that anxiety and depression are relatively unchangeable disorders, and what I mean by this is that we have a culture in which we seek to label and diagnose individuals for what are actually temporary, fully changeable psychological patterns. So we ascribe to somebody that they truly have a mental disease, I mean we use the term mental illness, which in my personal and professional opinion is also not a very helpful terminology when we're trying to communicate with individuals what their issues are. And the challenge with going to somebody and telling them that you have generalized anxiety disorder or you have borderline disorder or you have manic depressive disorder or any of these other different labels that we've ascribed to individuals is that when you tell somebody that they have a disorder like that, and perhaps you've even gotten a label like this at some point in your life as well, is that what you're doing when you tell somebody this is you're taking something that is actually a fully controllable, fully reversible, changeable and psychological pattern that is otherwise temporary and you're not giving somebody a definition about that pattern which ascribes a level of permanence to their identity. In other words, you're telling somebody, "Hey this isn't just a temporary pattern that you've been running that can be shifted," you're telling somebody. "Hey, this is a part of who you are," and it becomes a very difficult thing to shift when you believe that your depression or your anxiety is a part of who you are, and then we make it worse very often by tracing through family histories and drawing attention to "oh, well my mother had anxiety, my father had depression," look, anxiety and depression is something that virtually every single human being on the planet has dealt with at some point in their life. These are fundamental psychological patterns that, if we are not careful, can end up creeping into the daily experience of our lives.

So that's the new way in which we have to approach these issues if we actually want to be able to take responsibility for shifting them and if we want to understand the truth that thousands have discovered, namely my clients that you can get profound shifts, you can actually eliminate and reverse these conditions in a very short period of time and you can sustain that progress if you are approaching with the appropriate mindset, and a very important cornerstone of that appropriate mindset is to, first of all, get out of the paradigm of us seeking to label and diagnose and simply medicate people for things that we believe are inherent diseases and disorders. We're telling people that they are broken and that is not true, and therefore they find it very difficult to actually fix themselves down the line for naturally good reasons.

So if we want to actually engage in a new conversation, which I think is sorely needed in the context of mental health, if we want to actually be able to equip our children and our coworkers and our teammates and our partners with the skills that they need to actually be able to enter life and navigate through life powerfully, then we need to have a new conversation that is not grounded in forfeiting our personal responsibility to address these issues.

So the first big myth that this is an unchangeable disorder that we simply need to mitigate the symptoms of has got to go. It is one of the most pervasive and dangerous cancerous myths out there that is affecting the communal belief system about mental health. It has to go. So that's number one.

Number two. Now this is a little interesting cuz it adds a little bit more distinction to the conversation. The second huge myth that is out there kind of comes from the opposite direction, and the second myth is that individuals dealing particularly with depression but also anxiety need to simply cheer up or focus on the positives or remember what they're grateful for. Now I'm by no means saying that we don't need to remind individuals of what they're grateful for and put their problems in a greater context of what the issue is for them. But the thing that you need to understand as a loved one of somebody who's dealing with depression or anxiety is that it may be true, It is true, in fact, that these challenges, these patterns that people are dealing with can be reversed that is true and that's fundamental and a huge belief system of my work and what I'm able to help produce people, help produce for people in terms of actual results.

So I fundamentally do believe that these are shiftable processes without a doubt, that's been proven time and time again. However, it is not as simple as simply flicking a light switch. It doesn't work like that okay. What happens when somebody is engulfed in an experience of depression and anxiety on a daily basis is they feel truly stuck. They're literally in a reality tunnel, a particular model of the world in which anxiety and depression is undergirding their entire daily experience of life, and so what you've got to understand is that for them to simply flip a switch and say "great, let's focus on the positives, let's cheer up," very often creates exact opposite effect that you would want to have, even though you are truly trying to be supportive and helpful to that individual, because their model of the world is creating a particular meaning structure around what their life circumstances are that is inhibiting them from actually being able to focus on the things that are going right for them in their life. So the best way to look at it is this. If you are depressed or anxious person, it means that you actually have a series of subconscious patterns that have been running and stacking up over a period of months weeks or potentially years or even decades for a lot of people, and so what it comes down to is essentially that. You are engulfed in a series of subconsciously conditioned psychological patterns. That's it, and so what that means is that something that we can learn how to control but that process takes time. If you want to shift your patterns, if you want to these psychological patterns at the level of the subconscious, it takes a little bit of work.

Now the good news is it can happen in a matter of a couple of weeks, sometimes even a couple of days but it does take a little bit of work and it's going to take some time to reverse those. Have you ever adapted a habit before or kicked the habit? Maybe you started smoking and then you quit smoking or you were overweight and you lost weight or some sort of habit along those lines? I guarantee that you've had something like that in your life. Maybe you started exercising or you quit exercising or whatever the case is, but whenever you've actually created a new habit for yourself you can recall exactly how challenging that was, at least upfront. It felt very foreign to you. It felt very new. It seemed like it was not going to necessarily become automatic, but sure enough, after you leaned into the process enough, it became automatic overtime So the process of successfully rehabilitating somebody from a period of severe to a period of real psychological and spiritual alignment where they really feel joyful and grateful and passionate and excited again can happen, It truly can happen and I've helped identify what that process is to help individuals make that journey, but it takes a little bit of time. It comes down to a matter of conditioning, so you can actually create an experience of life where, as opposed to feeling depressed and anxious and full of worry as your daily experience, you can in fact make an experience of life where you've shifted your emotional center of gravity, where you actually are feeling excited and passionate and exhilarated and loving and warm inside of your daily life, that can become your new emotional home, but again, it's not as easy as flipping a light switch.

So that second myth that we can just tell depressed and anxious people to cheer up is really a very dangerous myth. That does not mean, however, that that means it's not within their power and responsibility to shift, so that distinction is incredibly critical.

Now that brings us to point number three, myth number three, and this is especially pervasive, especially with males who are dealing with depression, is this myth that you can handle this alone. Now hear me very clearly on this because I am not indicating that this is not something you can control. I am not indicating that this is something you cannot reverse. That is absolutely true. It can be reversed but you cannot reverse these situations on your own in the vast majority of cases, I would say 99 out of 100 cases given my experience surveying the field and working with individuals, I have found this to be true. Here's why this myth is particularly dangerous, especially for males. When you are dealing with serious depression, you can end up getting to a very dark place in your mind where you actually will become suicidal, and the reason why a lot of people will become suicidal is that they will be looking at their depression, they'll be observing how things have been going for them in life and they'll realize that nothing seems to be going better. They'll be feeling stuck and they'll be feeling like they have to shift things, they have to change their state of affairs, but they're thinking "how in the world could I possibly do this because how will anything be different than how it's already been done to date?" That's going to be a problem for them, and so what will happen is individuals will actually come to the belief that they need to take matters into their own hands, but the problem is when they cannot viably foresee a way to shift what has actually been happening for them and move into a more resourceful state of affairs, they will end up arriving at the false conclusion in their mind that the only way to turn around their issue is to actually end their life and that's where things become very dangerous.

So even if you don't get to that dark of a place in your mind where you believe that the only way you could solve the issue is by ending your life, it's very foreseeable that you may at least to get stuck in a state of affairs where you are perpetually trying to solve the issue of yourself but you simply don't realize that you don't have the right guidance to actually make that happen. The problem is that what you've always done up to this point has gotten you the results that you have right now, and if you actually want to shift things, if you want to turn things around, if you actually want to reverse this situation you're going to have to do things differently than you've done up to point, and that means that you're going to get, you're going to understand the necessity eventually that you need to find an experienced guide, somebody who is familiar with those patterns, somebody who knows what the underpinnings of anxiety depression are. So that's why you need to seek out the advice of an experienced professional who actually understands what those issues are. So that's the other big myth. Don't think you can go it alone, but also don't believe that you won't be able to solve it because you can, as long as you get the right guidance.

Now, I like to end in exploring this myth by sharing with you, what is the value, for instance, of a good coach. For example, perhaps you ended up playing sports at one point in your life or you got music lessons or you got a tutor or you had something along those lines of an experience mentor. Well, think about what value an experienced coach brings to the table. What they bring to the table is the experience of understanding the patterns that help people become successful and keep people from actually realizing their potential in a particular field. Let's say you get a golf coach, for example . A golf coach is going to notice things about your game that you're not going to be able to notice. A golf coach has actually worked with individuals. They've worked with probably thousands or tens of thousands of people so they know the difference between the swing that's going to get you the results that you want and a swing that's not going to get you the result that you want. They're going to be able to help you understand those two millimeter shifts that will make all of the difference in your ultimate performance and they'll be able to help you notice those. They will help make what is currently invisible about how you are navigating the course of life visible so that you can engage in the very critical and necessary process of metacognition, meaning thinking about how you think, so that you can shift how you think. So when you get an experienced coach who is able to identify those patterns for you and show them to you, what happens is you now are able to assume the power of consciously directing your subconscious mind so that eventually your subconscious mind can be rewired so it can serve the goals of your conscious mind, and that's what happens when you actually get access to the experience that you need from a viable professional in that field.

So you can handle it, just not alone, in the vast majority of cases. And by the way, there's also a sort of secondary form that this myth will take, where a lot of people will think "well you know, I've been dealing with some very serious depression and anxiety, but all I really need to do is go back to the gym, All I really need to do is win my old girlfriend back, all I really need to do is get a dog” or whatever the case is.
Now there's an old quote, and I can't remember who said it, so you'll have to forgive me on that, but there's an old quote that says that a diet will not aid a gluttonous man, and what this quote is trying to exemplify Is the idea and the fact that you can't simply stack a strategy, a surface level strategy, on top of your issue when you're really dealing with issues that go at the level of the subconscious mind. So in other words, the fact that you're not exercising is not a problem of the fact that you don't know what to do. You have all the strategies available to you. You know exactly what you would need to do to get in shape, eat right and exercise.That's it. So, it's not that you're lacking a strategy, it's not that you need to try to do some sort of self-help method in order to shift your problem. The strategy may be what's keeping you at bay, but in 99 cases out of 100 that is not what’s actually happening.

What is happening, and I know you've experienced this before, is you will try to direct your life in one direction. You're going to try to go in one direction with all of your speed but it's like you got the gas pedal on and you have the emergency break on at the exact same time. You know you want to go work out, you know you want to go get in shape, but for some reason, you're not doing it. You are not following through for some reason that escapes you, and the reason why it escapes you is because it's happening at the level of your subconscious.

What's happened is your mind has become conditioned over time to not work out or to become depressed or to actually have an experience of anxiety. Think of a panic attack, for example, I know a lot of people deal with these. You enter into a particular stimulus in your life, maybe it's your mother saying some sort of very derogatory thing to you, or maybe it's your boss putting a lot of work on your plate or giving you some sort of unexpected slight about your work performance. So you go through life and these stimuli occur to you and then you have some sort of unpleasant psychological and emotional reaction to those stimuli and you wonder why the hell is this happening? Why am I having a panic attack? Why am I hyperventilating? Why am I not following through? Why am I snapping at my children? Whatever the case is And the reason why you feel stuck, the reason why you're not actually getting the experience of life that you actually deserve and desire is because what you don't understand is you're being held back by invisible subconscious patterns so you have to be able to have an experienced guide who understands how to actually rehabilitate your psychology at the level of your subconscious, and what happens when you're able to do that, what happens when you're able to embark on that very transformative journey is all of a sudden you actually learn how to rewire your subconscious mind so that what you do want to be your experience of life becomes your automatic experience of life if you're not waking up every morning with joy and energy and excitement and you do want to be able to do that. There's actually a way to wire that pattern inside of your mind. It takes a little time but it's something that can be done. You can literally shape and design every aspect of your entire life that you want once you actually understand the mechanics of Subconscious mind and how it affects your behavior but that's so important for you to understand because you're not following through not because you're missing a strategy, not because you don't have enough willpower, you're not falling through because you're getting tripped up on these subconscious patterns that are gonna continue to do so. So that's one of the things that you've got to handle and again you're not going to be able to handle that alone and so that's myth number three, that you can handle this alone.

Now, number four, the fourth very dangerous myth that we have particularly in the area of mental health and in regards to depression and anxiety is that traditional therapy and medication are your only methods of actually solving this issue, and we are now entering into a new era where we need a new conversation about mental health. We need a conversation about mental health. It calls out the facts for what they are. Some of those facts are the following and that is number one. The therapy for most individuals is not effective. I've dealt with hundreds of individuals who do therapy for years, if not decades and still are dealing with anxiety and depression when in fact, those issues are able to be turned around in a 30 day period at maximum in 90 percent of cases, 60 days will work for 95 percent of individuals, and a little bit longer in some cases when you have the right guidance, when you are actually walked through the appropriate right steps, it is actually not difficult to solve these issues. Once you understand what those subconscious patterns are of anxiety and depression that are creating that experience of life for you, and you have access to an actually experienced mentor and guide that's gonna be able to walk you through the process of rewiring those instances, you'll actually be able to master this process for yourself for the rest of your life. You will permanently increase your emotional fitness and be able to know that you never have to live in fear again of losing control with depression or anxiety. And by the way, look, let me just say this as well. I understand that I'm very coming on strong here that this is something that can be solved because I know it's true and it's happened for people, and the other thing that you may not know about me or you may already know is I was in this dark place myself at one time, I was suicidal. I had a plan to kill myself, I was depressed for a number of years and I felt very clearly that I was stuck. I thought I had no options. I thought I could do it myself. I thought I could handle this myself. The problem is I arrived at the very false conclusion that the only way to actually handle this would be to end my life. So don't think that I'm taking this lightly. I am so intimately familiar with the dark spaces that the mind can take you to and I am experienced in helping guide people out of those places into a new life of joy and exhilaration and passion, so I do not take this lightly and I do not believe that it is as simple as thinking positively or focusing on the good things happening in our life. It is not as easy as a light switch. It doesn't happen like that but that does not mean that it is not something that we can control it. It fundamentally is something that each one of us has the power to shift and control. The reason why we don't believe that that is the case is because our society has not been fully exposed to the actual simple strategies that are needed to actually turn these things around, and that's why I'm calling on us to have a new conversation about mental health, for us to have a new elevated conversation that understands that it is within our responsibility and within our power to shift these processes of depression and anxiety that these and anxiety that these time naturally and without having to resort to medication for the vast majority of people, that's what I want to communicate.

So for most people, and by the way, there are some therapists out there that are very effective, I have nothing against therapists in the sense that I know they're trying to do the very best they can with the skills that they have available, but the fact that I know after surveying thousands of individuals and working with tens of thousands of individuals in the vein of lack of motivation, depression, anxiety, as well as other mental health issues, particularly substance abuse and PTSD, what I know is that most individuals do not get lasting or profound results with traditional therapy. It just doesn't happen. And that's because most therapists are playing from a playbook that is antiquated. That is that is using skills that are so old and outdated and that are coming at this from a very different philosophy than what you need, which is that of strategic intervention and an experienced coach that can actually help you reverse these issues. Most therapists are coming at this from a vein of looking at somebody as having a disorder. They think that they deserve to be given a label that they probably deserve to be given medication which, by the way most individuals will indicate to you that medication may work for them in the short term, but very often does not work for them in the long term. There are exceptions to every rule, but in the vast majority of cases, individuals who tried to use antidepressants or other sorts of medication for their issues report end up ending up having even worse situations for themselves because of the side effect profiles of those drugs, they end up feeling like they're not themselves anymore, they feel numbed, it depends on what drug you're on obviously, and they end up realizing that they actually want to be able to assume control of this issue for themselves in a natural and sustainable way, and those solutions exist. They are there. They are accessible for individuals. I'm not saying that medication may not be good for some people in some situations, but what I've found is this that in 95 percent of the cases of the clients I've taken on of individuals dealing with all the way up to suicidal depression or very serious anxiety issues, that those issues can be fully reversed without having to resort to medication through purely natural means, that it can be turned around, and sustainably made progress on every single day of their life, where you don't have to live in fear that those issues exist any longer.

So the idea that we have to simply resort to traditional therapy and medication which are old, antiquated tools for dealing with these issues is not true. There are real solutions out there that can get people the lasting results that they need in a very quick period of time from my experience in the method that I use for individuals, I help them isolate the source of their depression or anxiety in a 60 -minute period, and I help them understand what they need to do on a daily basis, in a matter of 10 minutes a day, in order to ensure that in a 60-day period, they've completely eliminated their anxiety or depression, and if they actually follow through on those exercises, if they actually integrate the practices and strategies that I share with them, they will rehabilitate, it's just a matter of time for them, and in the vast majority of cases 60 days is the maximum it takes for somebody to fully rehabilitate. Again, it all comes down to a matter of understanding that anxiety and depression are temporary changeable psychological patterns.

Here's a little metaphor that might help you understand exactly what I'm talking about here. If you think of an old grand piano, if you leave that piano untuned for a very long period of time, it will obviously go out of tune and what will happen is the strength inside of the piano will end up bending in the wrong direction over a period of time and so what will happen is if you need to tune that piano again you'll have to tune in at one day and then tune in again two days later and then again a week later and then again in another two weeks and then again in a month and then again two or three months later, and the reason for that is that the strings have become conditioned. It doesn't mean that the piano is broken, It doesn't mean the piano has a disorder, it doesn't mean the piano has a disease, it doesn't mean the piano needs medication, it means that the piano has literally, simply been conditioned over a period of time, and that it needs to be reconditioned in a new direction. That's what the important thing is, and that can be done with a very simple set of insights and strategies. That's it.

So if you're dealing with anxiety or depression, the good news is this, it can be reversed. It can be changed and it can happen quickly and profoundly. I know that that may sound too good to be true. I get that, I so totally understand, I really do. If you have questions, reach out to me and my team. Set up a free consultation with one of us or with myself and I'll share with you exactly what you need to understand to help pinpoint the actual root cause of your issue. So if there's a link here on this post or on this page, engage with that, reach out to us, schedule that consultation, we would love to make sure that you no longer have to live in fear of losing control, that you have to live in fear of being stuck in this horrible place that you're in, and if you know of somebody who Is suffering that may not be you, share this video with them please, because we need to spread the word.

Regardless, I I mean I can't serve the entire human race myself and help them rehabilitate. So we need other individuals to do this, too. But what we need first and foremost is a new conversation about mental health. One that, first of all, accepts that we do have the responsibility and the power to shift this, that number two, treats individuals as real human beings, not just as things to be diagnosed with disorders and medicated, and third and finally, that we finally call out the truth for what it is, that traditional therapy and medication are not working in the long term for the vast majority of individuals, and that we need a new set of skills, that we need to be able to equip people with the real insights and skills to help increase their emotional fitness so that when they go out into life, they're ready for it. They're excited. They're confident, they're passionate. They're loving, that they are living life on their terms, that they are able to design their most extraordinary psychology and choose how they're going to show up in the world, as opposed to being run by these invisible subconscious patterns that feel like they're permanently in control, but in fact are not.

So take action with this. Do something to move the ball forward for yourself or for that loved one that you know is in trouble, please reach out to us if you think that we'd be able to help you, I'd love to make sure that we can help you fully rehabilitate through this process. Thanks for listening, pass along the word, can't wait to talk to you again. Take care.


The contents of this post are for general, educational purposes. Nothing stated in this post is individual or specific medical advice. Each individual's situation is distinct and requires specific attention and should be weighed carefully.


¹National Alliance on Mental Illness, May 2019.

²Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, August 2019.


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